Consultant Question:

Gastroenterology Consultant Interview Questions:


► Presentation (Topic given 30 minutes beforehand): How will you contribute to the development of new and existing gastroenterology services in this Trust?
► Could you take us through your experience as a junior doctor?
► Tell us more about your speciality training.
► Describe your experience of therapeutic endoscopy.
► Do SpRs take place in a bleeding rota in the North-West?
► How do you know you are competent in managing emergency GI bleeding?
► The service need for Hepatitis C is increasing. Would you be prepared to treat Hepatitis C if appointed?
► Are you familiar with Kieran Moriarty's alcohol service and recent guidelines?
► Would you be willing to develop an alcohol service within the Trust? How would you develop it?
► Let's say you estimated that £50,000 was required to fund an alcohol specialist nurse. How would you achieve this funding within the current financial climate?
► Describe a recent study or guideline that has changed your clinical practice.
► Are you an advocate of top down biological therapy in Crohns?
► Give two examples of basic scientific research that have changed clinical practice.
► You receive an email from me (clinical director) when you arrive at work one morning informing you that the hospital is on red alert. What would you do?
► It is 2013 and the GP commissioning consortium decides to reduce the tariff on open access gastroscopy to that equivalent to an outpatient appointment. How would you manage this? What is the current tariff for an open access gastroscopy?
► How do you anticipate that planned changes in NHS configuration will affect gastroenterology services?
► If you were successful and were offered this consultant post, you will come at a cost of £4.5m to this trust over your career. How will you prove to be a worthwhile investment for the Trust?
► What is your opinion on the recently published white paper?

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