Digital Router Question:

Explain what is TCP?


Even if you don't recognize anything else on this list, you like have heard of TCP/IP before. Contrary to popular believe, TCP/IP is not actually a protocol, but rather TCP is a member of the IP protocol suite. TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol and is one of the big big mindbogglingly massively used protocols in use today. Almost every major protocol that we use on a daily basis- HTTP, FTP and SSH among a large list of others- utilizes TCP. The big benefit to TCP is that it has to establish the connection on both ends before any data begins to flow. It is also able to sync up this data flow so that if packets arrive out of order, the receiving system is able to figure out what the puzzle of packets is supposed to look like- that this packet goes before this one, this one goes here, this one doesn't belong at all and looks sort of like a fish, etc. Because the list of ports for TCP is so massive, charts are commonplace to show what uses what, and Wikipedia's which can be found here is excellent for a desk reference.

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