Community Advocate Question:

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Explain me what is your strategy for bringing progressives together? What is your vision for the left?

Community Advocate Interview Question
Community Advocate Interview Question


We take progressive opposition that attempts to divide us up by creating divisive narratives that focus on our differences, and we flip it on its head. We must strategically utilize empathy and intersectionality to transform our diversity into a strength. When we dedicate our energy to identifying commonalities while respecting our differences, we can galvanize our base. To accomplish this, we need leaders that not only communicate the importance of common ground, but model it as well.

Intersectionality means that, as progressives, we must recognize that once we better acknowledge the differences among us, the better we will understand how to empower the diverse subgroups within our movement. Once this occurs, our opposition cannot marginalize our efforts, because each and every fight includes a diverse base bringing with them the multiple perspectives and skills needed to create systemic change. Once we fight just as hard for each other as we do for our singular issues, all issues progressives are fighting for will be addressed and changed.

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