Manager Sustainability Question:

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Explain how did you get started working in this field as Manager Sustainability?

Manager Sustainability Interview Question
Manager Sustainability Interview Question


I have only been in this job for a few years, but I worked in the environmental field for 17 years in the manufacturing industry. In those jobs, I focused on regulations or integrating environmental health and safety aspects into business decision processes. My technical background is helpful in the operations portion of the job since I understand the structure and systems behind operations that can help make the university run more smoothly.

A couple years ago, I wanted to refresh my environmental knowledge and was interested in learning more about current issues like climate change. I looked into classes at the university and found this newly-formed position. It was a fortunate accident. To take this new job meant a pay cut. One thing important to understand about "green jobs" is if you're trying to get into a new field, taking a pay cut might be a choice you have to make. I decided to take this job because it was unique and not one that would open up very often. I liked the challenge of a new role. I was also motivated by the opportunity to help integrate life cycle into learning opportunities.

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