Entry Level Question:

Entry-level Consulting analyst interview questions:


► What does Accenture look for in an entry-level Consulting analyst candidate?
► What does Accenture look for in an entry-level Solutions candidate?
► Are there any opportunities for post-grad students and working professionals?
► What courses should I study to be considered for a career with Accenture?
► What sort of grades is Accenture looking for?
► Does Accenture recruit interns upon graduation?
► Does Accenture offer a formal mentoring program?
► Upon graduation, can I apply for several positions at one time?
► Have your applications closed?
► How do we agree on a start date if I'm offered the position?
► Will Accenture hire individuals with student visas?
► What is your usual internship duration?
► Will there be a lot of overtime?

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