Dairy Farm Question:

Do you separate the baby calves from their mothers?


Virtually all commercial dairy farms take the baby calves away from their mothers within a few days of giving birth. Separating a mother and her baby is an extremely traumatizing experience for the mother and her newborn. The reason farmers take the baby away is so they can steal the mother's milk that was intended for her child.

Many times a mother cow will call out for days trying to find her stolen calf. The sound of a grief stricken mother cow for her calf is heart breaking. Perhaps ask the farmer about that?
If the farmer claims that they don't separate the mother and calf, I'd be skeptical. Ask how it is financially feasible to run a dairy farm that way?

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A. gas formation by sucrose fermenting yeasts
B. thickening caused by micrococci
C. mold colonies growing on the surface
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B. Pseudomonas synxantha
C. Pseudomonas syncyanea
D. Aeromonas hydrophila