Consultant Question:

Difficult colleagues & other difficult scenarios based Consultant Interview Questions:


► One of your consultant colleagues is underperforming or his quality of care is unsatisfactory. What do you do?
► One of your juniors complains to you that they are being bullied by another consultant. How do you handle the situation?
► One of your junior colleagues comes in late by over 20 minutes repeatedly. What do you do?
► Your registrar reports to you that his SHO has been coming late for 20 minutes each day over the past 4 days. What do you do?
► One of your juniors keeps contradicting you in front of patients. What do you do?
► A senior consultant turns up drunk for work one morning. How do you handle the situation?
► You overhear two nurses talk about the fact that one of your registrars was taking cocaine last Friday when he went clubbing. How do you address the situation?
► Assuming that you report a colleague's bad performance to your clinical director. What would you expect him to do about it?
► What difference do you make between lack of fitness to practice and underperformance?
► What role does NCAS play in dealing with underperformance?

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