Company Physician Question:

Changing Careers Based Company Physician Job Interview Questions:


☛ My current career is [job title]. How easy or difficult do you think it might be to make a transition from that career to your career?
☛ The skills I use the most in my current career are [skill] and [skill]. To what extent and in what ways do you think those skills are transferable to your career?
☛ What aspects of my background do you feel would be the most helpful in making the transition to your career field?
☛ What aspects of my background do you feel would be the biggest obstacles to
☛ someone making the transition to your career field?
☛ What skills needed in your career field do you think someone in my current career might be lacking and might need to develop?
☛ What would be the best kind of training to get to make the transition from my current career to your career?
☛ What’s the best way for me to get more experience in your field without taking
☛ major steps backward from the level to which I’ve progressed in my current career?
☛ How do you think someone in my current career would be viewed by those with
☛ hiring power in your career? Would you personally hire someone coming from my current career field?
☛ The things I like the best about my current career are:
☛ Will I find some of those same things if I switch to your career?
☛ The things I like the best about my current career are:
☛ Will I find some of those same things if I switch to your career?
☛ The things I dislike the most about my current career are:
☛ Will I encounter any of those same challenges in your career?
☛ Do you know of any other people in your career who have made the transition to your field
☛ from my current career or a career similar to my current career? How did the transition work out?
☛ I’ve heard that people in your field have characteristics such as [example] and [example],
☛ which I have not had the opportunity to develop yet. How important are those characteristics?.
☛ Knowing what you know about your career field, and knowing what I would have to do to
☛ get into this field, do you think you would make the change if you were me? If not, can you
☛ suggest any other fields that might be more appropriate for me?
☛ Could you take a brief look at my resume and suggest ways I could tailor it to make myself
☛ more marketable in changing from my current career field to your career field?

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