ICT Teacher Question:

Basic ICT Teacher Job Interview Questions:


☛ First, tell us a little bit about yourself. (Almost every teacher interview begins this way.)
☛ Describe your college experiences.
☛ Tell us about your experiences working with students at this age level.
☛ Describe your philosophy of teaching?
☛ Why do you want to become a teacher?
☛ List three of your strengths your strengths and explain each one.
☛ Describe three of your weaknesses as a teacher.
☛ In what ways do you encourage creativity in your classroom?
☛ Tell us about a lesson in which you've used differentiated instruction.
☛ 10. How do you teach kids to utilize higher-order thinking skills in your classroom?
☛ What do you do to prepare your students for state or standardized tests?
☛ Do you make learning fun for students? How?
☛ If I walked into your classroom on a typical afternoon, what would I see going on?
☛ How do you measure student performance in your classroom?
☛ Describe a successful lesson. Tell why it was successful.
☛ What would you do if a student wasn't handing her homework on a regular basis?
☛ How much homework do you give?
☛ Besides lecture, what methods of teaching do you use?
☛ Tell us about your discipline philosophy.
☛ What are your classroom rules? How do you make students familiar with the rules?
☛ What daily or weekly routines would be incorporated in your teaching?
☛ One student hits another student. What do you do?
☛ A student throws a pencil across the room. What do you do?
☛ Explain what you would do if a student was swearing in your class?
☛ What would you do if a student was complaining about an assignment you've given?

Read All 53 ICT Teacher Questions
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What are your teaching objectives?
Questions about homework (overload).
The way you evaluate your teaching performance and teaching needs. How do you use resources?
Your teaching tools and methods, namely – the Internet, team-teaching and external resources.
How do you handle the needs of children with high abilities as compared to the needs of low-skilled children?
How do you meet the needs of children with ADHD?
How do you provide feedback?
Special Education ICT Teachers Job Interview Questions: