Advertising Account Executive Question:

Basic Advertising Account Executive Job Interview Questions:


☛ What was your biggest disappointment as an advertising account executive?
☛ Why are you the best advertising account executive for us?
☛ What attracts you to this industry?
☛ What are some of the challenges you see as an Advertising Account Executive?
☛ Describe one or two of the most difficult challenges and or rejections you have faced in the past and how you responded?
☛ What do you feel is the most important skill an advertising account executive should possess?
☛ Give me a time when you had to set an important goal in the past and tell me about your success reaching it.
☛ Why do you want a career as an advertising account executive?
☛ How do you handle your anger?
☛ By providing examples, convince me that you can adapt to a wide variety of people, situations and environments.
☛ What is the most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you tackle it?
☛ How do you evaluate success?
☛ What was your greatest accomplishment as an advertising account executive?
☛ What goals have you set for yourself this year?

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