Consultant Question:

Anaesthesia (Obstetric) Consultant Interview Questions:


☛ Tell me about your obstetric anaesthesia training.
☛ Are there any deficiencies in your training?
☛ What problems do you anticipate as a consultant?
☛ Is our present system of cross-site cover ideal? What possible changes could be made?
☛ What are your views about nurse epiduralists?
☛ What are the unanswered questions in obstetric anaesthesia?
☛ How wouldyou obtain funding for research projects?
☛ Do you think that having undergraduates rotating through anaesthesia is a waste of time?
☛ How do you cope with teaching multidisciplinary groups?
☛ How can we ensure that you are performing to the standards of Good Medical Practice?
☛ What are clnical performance indicators?
☛ Tell me about your management skills.
☛ Are you a good leader? Why?

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