GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) Question:

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An empty swimming pool can be filled to capacity through an inlet pipe in 3 hours, and it can be completely drained by a drainpipe in 6 hours. If both pipes are fully open at the same time, in how many hours will the empty pool be filled to capacity?

GMAT Interview Question
GMAT Interview Question


1. 4
2. 4.5
3. 5
4. 5.5
5. 6

Ans : E

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A portion of $7200 is invested at a 4% annual return, while the remainder is invested at a 5% annual return. If the annual income from both portions is the same, what is the total income from the two investments?If r = (3p + q)/2 and s = p - q, for which of the following values of p would r2 = s2?