Logic Question:

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A fisherman has 5 fishes (namely A, B, C,D, E) each having a different weight.
A weighs twice as much as B.
B weighs four and a half times as much as C.
C weighs half as much as D.
D weighs half as much as E.
E weighs less than A but more than C.
Which of the following is the lightest?
☛ A
☛ B
☛ C
☛ D
☛ E

Logical IQ Interview Question
Logical IQ Interview Question


► C
Explanation: On logical interpretation of the given statements one can arrive at the following conclusion:
A>B>E>D>C in order of decreasing weight. Hence C is the lightest of all the given fishes.

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The day after the day after tomorrow is four days before Monday. What day is it today?
☛ Monday
☛ Tuesday
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☛ Thursday
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In the above problem,
E is lighter in weight than which of the following pairs?
☛ B,D
☛ D,C
☛ A,D
☛ B,C
☛ A,B