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#1 2019-02-07 05:38:53

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
Posts: 22,197

64 Most Common Sr.Java Web Developer Interview Questions And Answers

Java Programing :: Sr.Java Web Developer Job Interview Questions and Answers

Sr.Java Web Developer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Sr.Java Web Developer. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

1 Do you know what is composition in Java?
2 Please explain what is the difference between execute, executeQuery, executeUpdate?
3 Tell us what is Hibernate Framework?
4 Tell me what are the different tags provided in JSTL?
5 Tell us what is difference between Error and Exception?
6 Do you know how to create a custom Exception?
7 Please explain can we write multiple catch blocks under single try block?
8 What is String toString()?
9 Tell me when will you use Servlet and JSP or MVC framework?
10 Explain me what is a servlet?
11 Tell me what is JDBC Driver?
12 What is execute(String query)?
13 Can you list some of the important annotations in annotation-based Spring configuration?
14 Explain me what are the advantages of Hibernate over JDBC?
15 Do you know what is the jspDestroy() method?
16 Please explain what is exception hierarchy in java?
17 Explain me what are the important methods of Java Exception Class?
18 Explain me what are the common browser issues you will keep in mind while creating a web application?
19 Tell us how do you keep yourself updated about the latest web technologies?
20 Explain me what is the life-cycle of a servlet?
21 Tell me what are the JDBC API components?
22 What is executeUpdate(String query)?
23 Explain me how to handle exceptions in Spring MVC Framework?
24 Explain me what are the important benefits of using Hibernate Framework?
25 Please explain what purpose does the keywords final, finally, and finalize fulfill?
26 Tell me how will you know whether a Java file is a servlet or not?
27 Do you know bean in Spring and List the different Scopes of Spring bean?
28 Tell me how to disable session in JSP?
29 Tell me how can you handle Java exceptions?
30 What is string getMessage()?
31 Explain me the Server and Database are working fine at your end but not on customer machine. What will you do?
32 Tell us what are the common issues you have faced in web applications and how did you resolve them?
33 Explain me what are the differences between Checked Exception and Unchecked Exception?
34 Explain me how to integrate Spring and Hibernate Frameworks?
35 Can you name the different modules of the Spring framework?
36 Do you know what are the different methods of session management in servlets?
37 Explain me what is JDBC ResultSetMetaData interface?
38 Tell us what are some of the important Spring annotations which you have used?
39 What is synchronized Throwable getCause()?
40 Tell me what steps will you take for ensuring the proper security of an web application?
41 What is void printStackTrace()?
42 Tell us what kind of HTTP request does the <a href="url">text</a> generate?
43 Tell me how does cookies work in Servlets?
44 Tell me what are the reasons for a page not found error and how will you sort it out?
45 Tell me how to delete a Cookie in a JSP?
46 Do you know what is a Spring?
47 Tell me what are the steps to connect to a database in java?
48 Do you know the role of DispatcherServlet and ContextLoaderListener?
49 Please explain why should we not configure JSP standard tags in web.xml?
50 Do you know what is synchronization?
51 Explain me what do you generally do after you have resolved a problem?
52 Tell us what is JDBC DatabaseMetaData interface?
53 Explain me what is the role of JDBC DriverManager class?
54 Tell us how is JSP better than Servlet technology?
55 Do you know what is the difference between frameworks like Jquery/DOJO and AJAX?
56 Tell us what is a finally block? Is there a case when finally will not execute?
57 Explain me what is JDBC Connection interface?
58 What is public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace()?
59 Explain me what is the purpose of JDBC ResultSet interface?
60 Tell us how to disable caching on back button of the browser?
61 Explain me what do you mean by batch processing in JDBC?
62 Tell me how do you differentiate between Core Java and Enterprise Java?
63 Do you know what is JSON? Can you represent JSON as Java Object?
64 What is executeQuery(String query)?

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2019-02-07 05:38:53

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