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#1 2018-07-11 00:38:44

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
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61 Most Common Database Analyst Interview Questions And Answers

Basic and Advance databases programming :: Database Analyst Job Interview Questions and Answers

Database Analyst related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Database Analyst. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

1 Tell me what is the IN operator?
2 Please explain what is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?
3 Explain me about a time when you could not meet a deadline?
4 Tell us why did you go into data analysis?
5 Tell us when might someone denormalize their data?
6 Can you explain validation?
7 Can you explain me what is SQL?
8 Tell me what is a primary key?
9 Tell me what kind of data analysis software experience do you possess?
10 What is implementation of the Model and Tracking?
11 Explain me some common problems that data analysts encounter during analysis?
12 Tell us what are the usual challenges a data analyst normally encounter?
13 Tell us how will you create a classification to identify key customer trends in unstructured data?
14 Tell me which SQL command is used to add a row?
15 Can you take a few minutes to explain how you would estimate how many shoes could potentially be sold in New York City each June?
16 Please explain what are aggregate functions?
17 Tell us what are the different types of subqueries?
18 As you said you have just been assigned a new analytics project. Where do you begin and what are the steps that follow?
19 Explain me what is data cleansing? Mention few best practices that you have followed while data cleansing?
20 Explain few of the best tools useful for data analytics?
21 Tell us what do you use to get non-repeated values?
22 Tell me which data analysis software are you well-versed in?
23 Tell me the typical data analysis process?
24 Tell us how will you handle the QA process when developing a predictive model to forecast customer churn?
25 Can you write the command to remove all employees named John from the EMPLOYEE table?
26 Tell me what does SQL stand for?
27 Tell me what is CROSS JOIN?
28 Tell us what are the requirements needed for becoming a data analyst?
29 Suppose you are assigned a new data anlytics project. How will you begin with and what are the steps you will follow?
30 Can you tell us what has been your most difficult analysis to date?
31 Tell me what do data analysts do?
32 Tell me in what situations should you use WHERE and HAVING in a statement?
33 Tell me the difference between data profiling and data mining?
34 Tell me what steps are in an analytics project?
35 Tell me what are your communication strengths?
36 Tell us what is your process when you start a new project?
37 Explain what is a view?
38 Tell us what is the GROUP BY statement used for?
39 Tell us what are the best practices for data cleaning?
40 Explain me what are the responsibilities of a Data Analyst?
41 Do you know what Is INNER JOIN?
42 Tell us what was your most difficult data analyst project?
43 Tell us what is the difference between Data Mining and Data Profiling?
44 Tell me what is Data Cleansing?
45 Tell me how often should you retrain a data model?
46 Do you know what is a subquery?
47 Explain me what is self JOIN?
48 Tell me what are the differences between primary and foreign keys?
49 Tell me what is the criteria to say whether a developed data model is good or not?
50 Explain data Modelling?
51 Tell us what is involved in typical data analysis?
52 Tell me what is the difference between LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN?
53 Tell us what are the important steps in data validation process?
54 What is Logic Regression?
55 Tell me what is a database transaction?
56 Tell us what do you know about  interquartile range as data analyst?
57 Can you describe the differences in the first through fifth normalization forms?
58 Do you know what is cardinality?
59 Explain data Preparation?
60 Tell me what are the elements of an ERD?
61 Explain data Exploration?

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