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#1 2012-03-28 04:25:20

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Agent Vinod
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Registered: 2012-03-23
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Gardening Interview Questions And Answers

Other Professions :: Gardening Job Interview Questions and Answers

Gardening Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Gardening is the practice of growing plants. Ornamental plants are normally grown for their flowers, foliage, overall appearance, or for their dyes. Useful plants are grown for consumption such as vegetables, fruits, herbs, and leaf vegetables or for medicinal use. A gardener is someone who practices gardening. So learn Gardening by Gardening Interview Questions with Answers.

1 What is the best time to cut down Clematis? I have several that I want to cut back this year, but I dont know when the best time to do it is.
2 I am trying to get some information on Manettia cordifolia or M. inflata (firecracker vine). How do I propagate them, and where can they be obtained?
3 Every year I have beautiful green grapes on my vines, but before they ripen they turn black. What can I do about it?
4 A friend wants to start a grape vine from a set of vines growing at his mothers house. Should we start from seeds, or would it be best to take cuttings of the old vines?
5 How can I propagate a Mandevillia?
6 Ive noticed that the Marguerite and Blackie cultivars of sweet potato vines are readily available in the trade. Are the swollen underground roots of these cultivars edible like a normal sweet potato? Can you propagate the sweet potato from these roots?
7 The garden section of one of my magazines referred to a planting of tweedia. It looked beautiful, but I cant find the plant listed in any of my gardening books. Can you tell me a little about it?
8 What is a good red English Rose?
9 What kind of care do English Roses need?
10 What can you tell me about the blue lace plant? It looks like Queen Annes-lace, except its sky blue. I was told that it grows wild in northern Alabama and into Tennessee, and fields of it are just mowed down.
11 I have brugmansia and datura that produced seeds after flowering. I would like to know if I need to do anything prior to planting those seeds or do I just plant them? When and how do I do this?
12 A plant by the name of Flowering Maple was given to me and I have no information on it except it is a tropical plant. Anything you can tell me about it would help. How much water and light does it need? How big does it get?
13 Seed packets and planting guides often say to plant when danger of frost has passed. How do I know when that is?
14 What are some of the problems with English Roses?
15 What is the genealogy of English Roses?
16 The garden section of one of my magazines referred to a planting of tweedia. It looked beautiful, but I cant find the plant listed in any of my gardening books. Can you tell me a little about it?
17 My daughter gave me some summer-flowering allium bulbs for Christmas. Can I plant these the same way as I do my spring-flowering bulbs, and can you give me suggestions for other summer-flowering bulbs to add to my garden this spring?
18 Could you please advise me about the best time to divide Amaryllis Bulbs and how deep to replant them? They have been in my flowerbed for approximately four years. It seems that the only information I can find on these bulbs pertains to growing them indoors.
19 Ive always admired caladiums but never grew them until this year. One plant put up two leaves and then a strange-looking thing that definitely was not a leaf. It turned out to be a spathe with a fat spadix inside. How common is this, and does the spadix contain both male and female flowers?
20 What are the different types of broad beans and their botanical names? What are they used for, and where are the commonly grown?
21 There are a number of pawpaw trees growing in a forested area on property I own in Indiana, but I rarely see any fruit on them. How can I get the trees to produce fruit?
22 Is there such a thing as a vegetable called a pregnant onion?
23 I used to buy a spice called star anise at the local health food store. I believe it was actually the dried seed head of the plant. What is the real name of the plant?
24 I recently purchased a Japanese persimmon, and a reference I consulted said it could produce parthenocarpic fruits. Does this mean it is self-pollinating?
25 Can you tell me how to germinate seeds from a plant commonly referred to as bat plant (Tacca chanteri and Tacca nivea)?
26 I have a Dieffenbachia at home and have found that it is causing a skin rash when I touch it. Is it possible that I am having an allergic reaction to my plant?
27 How do I propagate a gardenia using cuttings from a large gardenia bush?
28 Ive moved a big hibiscus that was outdoors all summer into our south bay window. Its still putting out blossoms, but the leaves are dropping.
29 Im looking for a house plant that doesnt need sunlight but gives off lots of fresh oxygen. What do you recommend?
30 How do I take care of a Moses-in-the-cradle plant?
31 How do you grow strelitzias indoors?
32 Earwigs seem to be eating everything in my garden. Are there any synthetic or natural controls?
33 Late last summer, despite ample water, the leaves on several limbs of my Japanese maple suddenly began wilting. Can I save the tree?

2012-03-28 04:25:20

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