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#1 2017-07-25 05:55:00

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
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Mobile Apps Designer Interview Questions And Answers

Designing :: Mobile Apps Designer Job Interview Questions and Answers

Mobile Apps Designer Frequently Asked Questions in various Mobile Apps Designer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview

1 Which Should You Choose? Native, Web App, or Hybrid?
2 Explain me three Components of the “Wow!” Factor?
3 Tell us 3 of your favorite mobile apps?
4 Tell us do you have any experience migrating an app from one platform to another?
5 Tell us do you do code reviews?
6 Tell me what milestones do you recommend for this project?
7 Tell me how did your last two projects go?
8 Tell me your experience migrating mobile apps to different platforms?
9 Tell us what you love most about UI design?
10 Tell me what in your views is the future of UI design?
11 Tell us what is the app you think with a bad UI design?
12 Tell me how do you understand QA/QC?
13 Tell me which platform do you like the best?
14 Tell us what are your other interests?
15 Explain me an example of a popular user interface and how will you redesign it?
16 Explain me what is the app you think with a good UI design?
17 Explain me your challenges as a UI designer?
18 Tell us the previous applications you worked on and your level of involvement?
19 Tell us how do you make sure that the developers understand your designs and implement them correctly? What formats do you typically use for handing files off for development?
20 Tell me what’s the importance of user interface/user experience (UI/UX) in mobile application development?
21 Tell me how many fonts are recommended and what is the best practice with typography while designing mobile applications?
22 Tell me when designing a new application, what are the most important questions you need to know?
23 Tell me how to design an intuitive user-interface and still achieve the “Wow!” effect?
24 Do you know what are the main differences between desktop/web app development vs. mobile app development?
25 Please explain what your process is like when working remotely. What do you feel is essential to ensure a project is completed efficiently?
26 Explain me what are the information requirement before working on the user interface?
27 Tell me if not for app testing/developing, what would you have liked to do?
28 Tell us what do you need to consider when designing for iOS, Android or any mobile platform?
29 Tell us should we use gestures in our mobile application and how will they affect User Experience?
30 Tell me when a client asks you to design a website, what are the first questions you ask?
31 Tell me what’s an example of a project where you disagreed with the client’s feedback, and how did you handle it?
32 Tell me what is the difference between priority and severity?
33 Please explain about a time the scope of a project changed midway through. How did you respond?
34 Explain me your design process. What steps do you take and how involved should your clients expect to be?
35 Tell me have you participated in the creation of any app that is available in the iTunes or Android stores?
36 Explain me why are application icons so important for an application and what should be considered when designing the icon?
37 Suppose when you receive feedback from a client, how do you incorporate it into your designs? Tell me about a time you received harsh criticism for your work?
38 Tell us when designing for a diverse set of users who will engage with your products, what do you need to consider?
39 Do you know how does one manually test the performance of a design?
40 Do you know how can my app make money?
41 Tell us how do you design with website performance in mind?
42 Tell me what are micro-interactions and why should we use them?
43 Tell me what is the average working day of a UI designer?
44 Tell me why did you choose designing as a profession?
45 Tell us what is your expertise as a UI designer?
46 Tell me how do you handle security issues?
47 Tell me how do you manage the difference with your UX designer?
48 Where do you see yourself 5 years from now as Mobile Apps Designer?
49 Tell us how you see yourself as a UI designer in coming future?
50 Explain me how do you compress your images to optimize performance?
51 Do you know how will 3D Touch technology from Apple change the interface?
52 Tell me what kind of smartphone do you use?
53 Tell us how effective is Google’s material design for the user interface?
54 Tell me what do you understand by comparison testing?
55 Tell me have you created an app that’s in the iTunes or Android store?
56 Do you know what are the disadvantages of automated testing?
57 Explain me about some of the disadvantages of both Android and iOS?
58 Tell us how do you handle pressure and tight deadlines?
59 Tell us how will we communicate during the development process?
60 Tell me do you have any project in development at the moment?
61 Tell us how do you incorporate current design trends in your work?
62 Tell us what kind of special features can you create?
63 Tell us what kind of smartphone do you use?

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