Unified Modeling Language (UML) Interview Preparation Guide
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Unified Modeling Language (UML) Interview Questions and Answers will guide us that UML is a standardized general-purpose modeling language in the field of software engineering. The standard is managed, and was created by, the Object Management Group. UML Interview Questions and Answers will discus that UML includes a set of graphical notation techniques to create visual models of software-intensive systems. So learn UML by Interview Questions with Answers about UML.

19 UML Questions and Answers:

1 :: What is UML?

► UML is Unified Modeling Language.
► Graphical language for visualizing artifacts of the system.
► Allow to create a blue print of all the aspects of the system.

2 :: What are the three types of modeling in UML?


3 :: What is UML Architecture?

Takes care structural and behavioral aspect of a software system.
Includes software usage, functionality, performance, reuse, economic and technology constraints.

4 :: What are UML Messages?

Specification of a communication

5 :: Define modeling in UML and it advantages.

► Model is a simplification of reality.
► Blueprint of the actual system.
► Specify the structural and behavior of the system.
► Templates for designing the system.
► Helps document the system.

6 :: What are the different views in UML?

► Use Case view - Presents the requirements of a system.
► Design View - Capturing the vocabulary.
► Process View - Modeling the systems processes and threads.
► Implementation view - Addressing the physical implementation of the system.
► Deployment view - Model the components required for deploying the system.

7 :: Define SDLC in UML?

► SDLC is Software Development Life Cycle.
► SDLC of a system included processes like Use case driven, Architecture centric, Iterative and Incremental. This Life cycle is divided into phases.
► Phase is a time span between two milestones.
► The milestones are Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition.
► Process Workflows that evolve through these phase are Business Modeling, Requirement gathering, Analysis and Design. Supporting Workflows are configuration, change management, and project management.

8 :: Explain the types of diagrams in UML.

We have nine types of diagram in UML.

Use Case Diagram
Use Case Diagram describes “HOW” the system works. It identifies the primary elements and processes that form the system. It shows “actors” and their “roles”

Class Diagram
This diagram explores detail design of the system. The class diagram is designed using Use Case diagram. We can identify all “Nouns” in use cases as classes and “verbs” as method of the classes.

Object diagram
This diagram represents the state of classes in the system and their relationships or associations at a specific point of time.

State Diagram
This diagram represents different states that objects in the system undergo during their life cycle.

Sequence diagram
This diagram is used to explore logic of complex operations, function or procedure. In this diagram, sequence of the interactions between the objects is represented step by step.

Collaboration diagram
This diagram groups together the interaction between different objects.

Activity diagram
Activity diagram gives detail view of the business logic.

Deployment diagram
It shows deployment view of the system. It shows how hardware and software works together to run system.

9 :: What are the advantages of using UML?

Advantages of using UML breaks the complex system into discrete pieces that can be understood easily.
Handover the system to new team becomes easier.
Complex system can be understood by the disparate developers who are working on different platforms.
UML model is not a system or platform specific. It unifies all disparate developers under one roof.

10 :: What is component diagrams in UML?

A component diagram is particularly useful with teams of larger size. UML components are great to perform architectural landscape for a specific system. The component diagram allows to model high level software components and interfaces to those components. The sub team’s effort is very less, once the interfaces are perfectly designed and accepted by the team members.