Nuclear Physics Interview Questions And Answers

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Prepare comprehensively for your Nuclear Physics interview with our extensive list of 19 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Nuclear Physics. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 19 questions to help you succeed in your Nuclear Physics interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

19 Nuclear Physics Questions and Answers:

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Nuclear Physics Job Interview Questions and Answers
Nuclear Physics Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is e= mc2?

this is mass-energy lesion
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2 :: How asteroids are formed?

due to impact of planets, rocks are escape in the space and
became asteroied. in some case the gasieous material and
vepour produced in the supernowa are coegulated in the
space and form asteroied.
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3 :: Why is heavy water used as a moderator?

Heavy water is water highly enriched in the hydrogen
isotope deuterium.we can compare the neutron inatractions
with billiard ball collision, where neutron collids wth
nucleus of other automs & lose energey.If the colliding
nucleus size is small like hydrogen nucleus it will lose
maximum energey.If nucleus is hevy the neutron hits the
nucleus just changes its direction but not that much chnage
in the energy of neutron. So we use heavy water as
moderator to slow down neutrons.
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4 :: Tell me Is it possible that a nucleus has negative mass defect?

If the nucleus has had a mass defect it is likely that the
strong force and the weak force have sustained a major
reduction in equilibrium. This can cause the positive and
negative charges to reverse and change energy levels. Such
a phenomenon has been describe by Einstein in his paper on
the speed of light and time reduction. You can check this
with the use of an electron microscope to determine is the
color spectrum had changed drastically. If so, then you may
have a problem.
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5 :: What does held nucleons together in a nucleus?

Nuclear force. It is the nuclear force which binds the nucleons
together and is responsible for the stability of nucleus.
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6 :: What is the essential difference between an electron and a beta ray?

The electron of nuclear origin is called a beta-particle.There
is otherwise no difference between an electron and a beta-
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7 :: Cadmium rods are provided in a nuclear reactor. Why?

cadmium rods are provided in nuclear reactors because when
we start nuclear reacter then more energy is requird for
start the reacter , we can not start nuclear reacter with
less energy, the rod is used specially for stopping
contact of newtron particls with the system
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8 :: Name any two elementary particles which have almost infinite life time?

Electron and proton have almost infinite life time.
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9 :: The velocity of a body was noted to be constant during five minutes of its motion. What was acceleration during this interval its?

since velocity of body remains constant during given time
period,so diff.of velocity(constant)with respect to time
will be ZERO.
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10 :: What is Fission and Fusion?

Fission: The breaking down of a Nucleus (not atom) into
smaller nuclei. It is usually induced by a neutron.
For example, a Helium nucleus (called alpha particle) is
divided into two 4He(+2) --> 2H(+1) + 2H(+1)
A lot of enery is released in the process.

Fusion: This happens when two nuclei combines to form a
larger nuclei. Huge amount of enery is needed to start
this. Because its not easy to bring two positively charged
nuclei closer.
When they combine, a huge amount of energy is released.
This usually happens in the stars.
The enery required to start the fusion comes from the
gravitational force between the particles.
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11 :: Explain history of nuclear reaction?

bigger nuclues broken to from two lighter nucleus and two or
three neutrons is called nuclear fission used for making
atom bomb
two ligther nucleus joined to form bigger nucleus is called
nuclear fussion used for making hydrogen bomb
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12 :: Can an electron be obtained (or come out) from the nucleus?

Yes, electron having an energy higher than the ordinary
atomic electron may come out of the nucleus due to beta
decay process. A negative beta is identical to an electron
in all respect except with difference in kinetic energy.
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13 :: What is the difference between cathode ray and beta ray?

acctualy normal on the wave front called RAY, in the beta
radiation there is wave packet and hence no wave frant. in
cathod ray there is electromegnatic radiation and we can
use word ray but in the case of beta partical we use word
beta radiation insted of betaray
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14 :: What is fussion?

It is a nuclear reaction in which two nuclei combine to
form a larger (with nearly combined mass) nuclei.
It releases lot of energy.
Sun and stars release energy in this fashion
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15 :: What is meant by the rest mass energy of an electron?

According to the Einstein's Theory of Relativity, the mass
of a body (say a particle) depends on the energy and on the
momentum (say the velocity) with which the particle moves.
So, we have a problem: is there a mass value that every
observers can relate to? Yes: is the rest mass, that is the
mass you could measure in a frame of reference co-moving
with the particle (in which the particle is still), that is
the center-of-mass frame and that coincide with the minimum
value measurable for every observers.
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16 :: In radioactive dating we use half life to determine the age of a sample but not average life why?

It is a quantitative measure in which we compare the
quantity of a radioactive substance in the sample to that
in the atmosphere/fresh substance.
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17 :: Name the Women scientist who has played the pivotal role in the development Missile technology of India and nick named as "Missile Woman"?

Tessy thomas
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18 :: How is energy transformed in windmills?

Essentially what happens is that as the energy from the
wind rotates the vanes of the mill, coils of wire rotate
inside a permanent magnet (generator) and produce electric
voltage/current. This current is then sent onto the grid
and used by us as electricity another form of energy. This
is a very simple explanation and there is a lot more in the
design of the system.
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19 :: What is nucleus?

It is the part of an atom where whole mass of the atom is
assume to be concentrated.Or it is the central part of an
atom which contain proton and nuetron.
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