Basic and Advance C Interview Questions And Answers

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Sharpen your C Programming interview expertise with our handpicked 221 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in C Programming. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Secure the free PDF to access all 221 questions and guarantee your preparation for your C Programming interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

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C Programming Job Interview Questions and Answers
C Programming Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is C language?

The C programming language is a standardized programming language developed in the early 1970s by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie for use on the UNIX operating system. It has since spread to many other operating systems, and is one of the most widely used programming languages. C is prized for its efficiency, and is the most popular programming language for writing system software, though it is also used for writing applications. ...
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2 :: What is Duffs Device?

It's a devastatingly devious way of unrolling a loop, devised by Tom Duff while he was at Lucasfilm. In its ``classic'' form, it was used to copy bytes, and looked like this: register n = (count + 7) / 8; /* count > 0 assumed */ switch (count % 8) { case 0: do { *to = *from++; case 7: *to = *from++; case 6: *to = *from++; case 5: *to = *from++; case 4: *to = *from++; case 3: *to = *from++; case 2: *to = *from++; case 1: *to = *from++; } while (--n > 0); }
where count bytes are to be copied from the array pointed to by from to the memory location pointed to by to (which is a memory-mapped device output register, which is why to isn't incremented). It solves the problem of handling the leftover bytes (when count isn't a multiple of 8) by interleaving a switch statement with the loop which copies bytes 8 at a time. (Believe it or not, it is legal to have case labels buried within blocks nested in a switch statement like this. In his announcement of the technique to C's developers and the world, Duff noted that C's switch syntax, in particular its ``fall through'' behavior, had long been controversial, and that ``This code forms some sort of argument in that debate, but I'm not sure whether it's for or against.'')
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3 :: Here is a good puzzle: how do you write a program which produces its own source code as output?

It is actually quite difficult to write a self-reproducing program that is truly portable, due particularly to quoting and character set difficulties.
Here is a classic example (which ought to be presented on one line, although it will fix itself the first time it's run):

(This program has a few deficiencies, among other things neglecting to #include <stdio.h>, and assuming that the double-quote character " has the value 34, as it does in ASCII.)

#define q(k)main(){return!puts(#k"nq("#k")");}
q(#define q(k)main(){return!puts(#k"nq("#k")");})
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4 :: Suggesting that there can be 62 seconds in a minute?

Q: Why can tm_sec in the tm structure range from 0 to 61, suggesting that there can be 62 seconds in a minute?

A: That's actually a buglet in the Standard. There can be 61 seconds in a minute during a leap second. It's possible for there to be two leap seconds in a year, but it turns out that it's guaranteed that they'll never both occur in the same day (let alone the same minute).
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5 :: Was 2000 a leap year?

Is (year % 4 == 0) an accurate test for leap years? (Was 2000 a leap year?)

No, it's not accurate (and yes, 2000 was a leap year). The actual rules for the present Gregorian calendar are that leap years occur every four years, but not every 100 years, except that they do occur every 400 years, after all. In C, these rules can be expressed as:
year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)
Actually, if the domain of interest is limited (perhaps by the range of a time_t) such that the only century year it encompasses is 2000, the expression
(year % 4 == 0) /* 1901-2099 only */
is accurate, if less than robust.
If you trust the implementor of the C library, you can use mktime to determine whether a given year is a leap year;
Note also that the transition from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar involved deleting several days to make up for accumulated errors. (The transition was first made in Catholic countries under Pope Gregory XIII in October, 1582, and involved deleting 10 days. In the British Empire, eleven days were deleted when the Gregorian calendar was adopted in September 1752. A few countries didn't switch until the 20th century.) Calendar code which has to work for historical dates must therefore be especially careful.
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6 :: How can I find the day of the week given the date?

Here are three methods:
1. Use mktime or localtime # . Here is a code fragment which computes the day of the week for February 29, 2000:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

char *wday[] = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"};

struct tm tm;

tm.tm_mon = 2 - 1;
tm.tm_mday = 29;
tm.tm_year = 2000 - 1900;
tm.tm_hour = tm.tm_min = tm.tm_sec = 0;
tm.tm_isdst = -1;

if(mktime(&tm) != -1)
printf("%sn", wday[tm.tm_wday]);

When using mktime like this, it's usually important to set tm_isdst to -1, as shown (especially if tm_hour is 0), otherwise a daylight saving time correction could push the time past midnight into another day. # Use Zeller's congruence, which says that if

J is the number of the century [i.e. the year / 100],
K the year within the century [i.e. the year % 100],
m the month,
q the day of the month,
h the day of the week [where 1 is Sunday];
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7 :: What is hashing in C?

Hashing is the process of mapping strings to integers, usually in a relatively small range. A ``hash function'' maps a string (or some other data structure) to a bounded number (the ``hash bucket'') which can more easily be used as an index in an array, or for performing repeated comparisons. (Obviously, a mapping from a potentially huge set of strings to a small set of integers will not be unique. Any algorithm using hashing therefore has to deal with the possibility of ``collisions.'')
Many hashing functions and related algorithms have been developed; a full treatment is beyond the scope of this list. An extremely simple hash function for strings is simply to add up the values of all the characters:

unsigned hash(char *str)
unsigned int h = 0;
while(*str != '')
h += *str++;
return h % NBUCKETS;

A somewhat better hash function is

unsigned hash(char *str)
unsigned int h = 0;
while(*str != '')
h = (256 * h + *str++) % NBUCKETS;
return h;
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8 :: I need a sort of an approximate strcmp routine ...

I need a sort of an ``approximate'' strcmp routine, for comparing two strings for close, but not necessarily exact, equality.

Some nice information and algorithms having to do with approximate string matching, as well as a useful bibliography, can be found in Sun Wu and Udi Manber's paper ``AGREP--A Fast Approximate Pattern-Matching Tool.''
Another approach involves the ``soundex'' algorithm, which maps similar-sounding words to the same codes. Soundex was designed for discovering similar-sounding names (for telephone directory assistance, as it happens), but it can be pressed into service for processing arbitrary words.
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9 :: What is C Programing language?

Is C++ a superset of C? What are the differences between C and C++? Can I use a C++ compiler to compile C code?

C++ was derived from C, and is largely based on it, but there are some legal C constructs which are not legal C++. Conversely, ANSI C inherited several features from C++, including prototypes and const, so neither language is really a subset or superset of the other; the two also define the meaning of some common constructs differently.
The most important feature of C++ not found in C is of course the extended structure known as a class which along with operator overloading makes object-oriented programming convenient. There are several other differences and new features: variables may be declared anywhere in a block; const variables may be true compile-time constants; structure tags are implicitly typedeffed; an & in a parameter declaration requests pass by reference; and the new and delete operators, along with per-object constructors and destructors, simplify dynamic data structure management. There are a host of mechanisms tied up with classes and object-oriented programming: inheritance, friends, virtual functions, templates, etc. (This list of C++ features is not intended to be complete; C++ programmers will notice many omissions.)
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10 :: How can I call FORTRAN?

How can I call FORTRAN (C++, BASIC, Pascal, Ada, LISP) functions from C? (And vice versa?)

The answer is entirely dependent on the machine and the specific calling sequences of the various compilers in use, and may not be possible at all. Read your compiler documentation very carefully; sometimes there is a ``mixed-language programming guide,'' although the techniques for passing arguments and ensuring correct run-time startup are often arcane. Besides arranging calling sequences correctly, you may also have to conspire between the various languages to get aggregate data structures declared compatibly.

In C++, a "C" modifier in an external function declaration indicates that the function is to be called using C calling conventions. In Ada, you can use the Export and Convention pragmas, and types from the package Interfaces.C, to arrange for C-compatible calls, parameters, and data structures.
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11 :: What is assert and when would I use it?

It is a macro, defined in <assert.h>, for testing ``assertions''. An assertion essentially documents an assumption being made by the programmer, an assumption which, if violated, would indicate a serious programming error. For example, a function which was supposed to be called with a non-null pointer could write
assert(p != NULL);
A failed assertion terminates the program. Assertions should not be used to catch expected errors, such as malloc or fopen failures.
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12 :: Why doesnt C have nested functions?

It's not trivial to implement nested functions such that they have the proper access to local variables in the containing function(s), so they were deliberately left out of C as a simplification. (gcc does allow them, as an extension.) For many potential uses of nested functions (e.g. qsort comparison functions), an adequate if slightly cumbersome solution is to use an adjacent function with static declaration, communicating if necessary via a few static variables. (A cleaner solution, though unsupported by qsort, is to pass around a pointer to a structure containing the necessary context.)
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13 :: Does C have an equivalent to Pascals with statement?

No. The way in C to get quick and easy access to the fields of a structure is to declare a little local structure pointer variable (which, it must be admitted, is not quite as notationally convenient as a with statement and doesn't save quite as many keystrokes, though it is probably safer). That is, if you have something unwieldy like
structarray[complex_expression].a =
structarray[complex_expression].b +

you can replace it with

struct whatever *p = &structarray[complex_expression];
p->a = p->b + p->c;
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14 :: If the assignment operator were ...

If the assignment operator were :=, wouldn't it then be harder to accidentally write things like if(a = b) ?

Yes, but it would also be just a little bit more cumbersome to type all of the assignment statements which a typical program contains.
In any case, it's really too late to be worrying about this sort of thing now. The choices of = for assignment and == for comparison were made, rightly or wrongly, over two decades ago, and are not likely to be changed. (With respect to the question, many compilers and versions of lint will warn about if(a = b) and similar expressions;
As a point of historical interest, the choices were made based on the observation that assignment is more frequent than comparison, and so deserves fewer keystrokes. In fact, using = for assignment in C and its predecessor B represented a change from B's own predecessor BCPL, which did use := as its assignment operator.
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15 :: Is C a great language, or what?

Is C a great language, or what? Where else could you write something like a+++++b ?

Well, you can't meaningfully write it in C, either. The rule for lexical analysis is that at each point during a straightforward left-to-right scan, the longest possible token is determined, without regard to whether the resulting sequence of tokens makes sense. The fragment in the question is therefore interpreted as
a ++ ++ + b
and cannot be parsed as a valid expression.
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16 :: Does C have circular shift operators?

No. (Part of the reason why is that the sizes of C's types aren't precisely defined----but a circular shift makes most sense when applied to a word of a particular known size.)
You can implement a circular shift using two regular shifts and a bitwise OR:
(x << 13) | (x > >3) /* circular shift left 13 in 16 bits */
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17 :: There seem to be a few missing operators ...

There seem to be a few missing operators, like ^^, &&=, and ->=.

A logical exclusive-or operator (hypothetically ``^^'') would be nice, but it couldn't possibly have short-circuiting behavior analogous to && and || Similarly, it's not clear how short-circuiting would apply to hypothetical assignment operators &&= and ||=. (It's also not clear how often &&= and ||= would actually be needed.)
Though p = p->next is an extremely common idiom for traversing a linked list, -> is not a binary arithmetic operator. A hypothetical ->= operator therefore wouldn't really fit the pattern of the other assignment operators.
You can write an exclusive-or macro in several ways:
#define XOR(a, b) ((a) && !(b) || !(a) && (b)) /* 1 */
#define XOR(a, b) (!!(a) ^ !!(b)) /* 2 */
#define XOR(a, b) (!!(a) != !!(b)) /* 3 */
#define XOR(a, b) (!(a) ^ !(b)) /* 4 */
#define XOR(a, b) (!(a) != !(b)) /* 5 */
#define XOR(a, b) ((a) ? !(b) : !!(b)) /* 6 */
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18 :: Why isnt there a numbered, multi-level break statement to break out

Why isn't there a numbered, multi-level break statement to break out of several loops at once? What am I supposed to use instead, a goto?

First, remember why it is that break and continue exist at all--they are, in effect, ``structured gotos'' used in preference to goto (and accepted as alternatives by most of those who shun goto) because they are clean and structured and pretty much restricted to a common, idiomatic usages. A hypothetical multi-level break, on the other hand, would rapidly lose the inherent cleanliness of the single break--programmers and readers of code would have to carefully count nesting levels to figure out what a given break did, and the insertion of a new intermediately-nested loop could, er, break things badly. (By this analysis, a numbered break statement can be even more confusing and error-prone than a goto/label pair.)
The right way to break out of several loops at once (which C also does not have) involves a syntax which allows the naming of loops, so that a break statement can specify the name of the loop to be broken out of.
If you do have to break out of more than one loop at once (or break out of a loop from inside a switch, where break would merely end a case label) yes, go ahead and use a goto. (But when you find the need for a multi-level break, it's often a sign that the loop should be broken out to its own function, at which point you can achieve roughly the same effect as that multi-level break by using a premature return.)
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19 :: Why dont C comments nest?

Why don't C comments nest? How am I supposed to comment out code containing comments? Are comments legal inside quoted strings?

C comments don't nest mostly because PL/I's comments, which C's are borrowed from, don't either. Therefore, it is usually better to ``comment out'' large sections of code, which might contain comments, with #ifdef or #if 0 ).
The character sequences /* and */ are not special within double-quoted strings, and do not therefore introduce comments, because a program (particularly one which is generating C code as output) might want to print them. (It is hard to imagine why anyone would want or need to place a comment inside a quoted string. It is easy to imagine a program needing to print "/*".)
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20 :: Are the outer parentheses in return statements really optional?

Long ago, in the early days of C, they were required, and just enough people learned C then, and wrote code which is still in circulation, that the notion that they might still be required is widespread.
(As it happens, parentheses are optional with the sizeof operator, too, under certain circumstances.)
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21 :: Is there a way to have non-constant case labels (i.e. ranges or arbitrary expressions)?

No. The switch statement was originally designed to be quite simple for the compiler to translate, therefore case labels are limited to single, constant, integral expressions. You can attach several case labels to the same statement, which will let you cover a small range if you don't mind listing all cases explicitly.
If you want to select on arbitrary ranges or non-constant expressions, you'll have to use an if/else chain.
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22 :: Is there a way to switch on strings?

Not directly. Sometimes, it's appropriate to use a separate function to map strings to integer codes, and then switch on those:
#define CODE_APPLE 1
#define CODE_ORANGE 2
#define CODE_NONE 0

switch(classifyfunc(string)) {



where classifyfunc looks something like

static struct lookuptab {
char *string;
int code;
} tab[] = {
{"apple", CODE_APPLE},
{"orange", CODE_ORANGE},

classifyfunc(char *string)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(tab) / sizeof(tab[0]); i++)
if(strcmp(tab[i].string, string) == 0)
return tab[i].code;

return CODE_NONE;

Otherwise, of course, you can fall back on a conventional if/else chain:

if(strcmp(string, "apple") == 0) {
} else if(strcmp(string, "orange") == 0) {
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23 :: Which is more efficient, a switch statement or an if else chain?

The differences, if any, are likely to be slight. The switch statement was designed to be efficiently implementable, though the compiler may choose to use the equivalent of an if/else chain (as opposed to a compact jump table) if the case labels are sparsely distributed.
Do use switch when you can: it's certainly cleaner, and perhaps more efficient (and certainly should never be any less efficient).
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24 :: How can I swap two values without using a temporary?

The standard hoary old assembly language programmer's trick is:
a ^= b;
b ^= a;
a ^= b;

But this sort of code has little place in modern, HLL programming. Temporary variables are essentially free, and the idiomatic code using three assignments, namely
int t = a;
a = b;
b = t;

is not only clearer to the human reader, it is more likely to be recognized by the compiler and turned into the most-efficient code (e.g. perhaps even using an EXCH instruction). The latter code is obviously also amenable to use with pointers and floating-point values, unlike the XOR trick.
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25 :: People claim that optimizing compilers are good and that we no longer have to write things in assembler for speed

People claim that optimizing compilers are good and that we no longer have to write things in assembler for speed, but my compiler can't even replace i/=2 with a shift.

Was i signed or unsigned? If it was signed, a shift is not equivalent (hint: think about the result if i is negative and odd), so the compiler was correct not to use it.
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